Special train between Chakradharpur and Tatanagar from 01.04.18 to 30.06.18.
The Chakradharpur-Tatanagar Special (08011) leaving Chakradharpur at 11.00 hrs will reach Tatanagar at 12.55 hrs, the same day. In the opposite direction, the train (08012) leaving Tatanagar at 13:30 hrs will arrive Chakradharpur at 15:05 hrs on the same day.
The Special trains will have stoppages at Barabamboo, Rajkharswan, Mahalimarup, Sini, Birbans, Gamharia and Adityapur between Chakradharpur and Tatanagar.
The train (08011/08012) will run with Sleeper Class Coaches as Unreserved and normal passenger fare will be levied for the train.